Denner Smith Furniture
Jeremy Smith - designing and making fine furniture and other matchless items, of heirloom quality, in beautiful solid timbers and veneers
Work in Progress

Veneered tray - veneers cut and laid out ready for application
Hall Table in Maple - Quilted Maple veneers laid out ready for joining together

Home-made brass hold-downs
Cutting lengths of Swiss Pear stringing for inlaying work
Inlaying the Swiss Pear stringing
Inlaying work nearing completion

Stool seats - Elm, Oak, and Cherry
Stool frame components - Rippled Ash

Parquetry work - cutting and joining veneers (Rosewood and Maple) to make a traditional chess board

Small table undergoing construction

The chess board completed and ready to be mounted onto a substrate to give it weight and rigidity

More parquetry - this time creating a backgammon board using Zebrano and Sapele veneers which provide a nice contrast
Marquetry: These images of chess pieces were created for incorporation in the games table shown on the 'Games Tables' page in the Gallery

Self-made tools: winding sticks, a carver's mallet and a veneer hammer

Here Maple wedges have been inserted into slots cut in the ends of the through tenons which are the principal joint on this pedestal. They will be cut flush to the end of the tenon

Here the top surface of an Oak dining table is planed to ensure that the two semi-circular outer leaves are flush with the butterfly extension leaf in the middle

Lapped dovetails are being cut in Walnut drawer fronts. The drawers are being made for a Walnut chess table

One of the drawers being test fitted